There’s nothing more powerful than a human who believes so deeply in their abilities to embark on the journey of fullfiliing their dream.

Being an entrepreneur, academic, leader or successful creative means unleashing your authentic voice through standing behind the value of the product you are building, content creation and offerings, holding space for clients and employees without being overwhelmed by their challenges or your burdens.
It requires a regulated nervous system, one that can act from an aligned space and filter out subversive negative thoughts from creative ones.

In working with high performing individuals, I’ve noticed that many struggle with six recurring issues:
‣ Overwhelm
‣ Burnout
‣ Feeling stuck
‣ Perfectionism
‣ Procrastination
‣ Self-doubt
‣ Lack of a supportive environment

I want to tell you—it’s okay. This is a sign that you’re leveling up, and these are the obstacles that come with that new phase of growth. Now, it’s time to lean on someone you trust to expand your toolkit and come on the other side.  

In the sessions we are not asking what the world needs, but what makes YOU alive. I know that the world needs another human who came to LIFE together with their idea. This world lacks more joy in all spheres, especially in our work.

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◇ All of you is welcome in this space ◇

What I often see with clients is an attempt to solve the problem at the symptom level—e.g. how do I overcome procrastination?

Through individual work with me, I offer a different perspective—exploring the deeper dynamics below your behaviour. Why does procrastination even occur? You didn’t just wake up and decide, “Today, I’ll procrastinate.”
It’s a result of an inflexible nervous system—your body doesn’t feel safe when you authentically expose yourself in your pursuits, and it sends you symptoms in the form of the before mentioned issues to keep you cozy and safe. This is the crucial thing we’ll be working on in therapy.

At the end of our work you will be able to:

‣ recognise and gain awareness about thoughts and accompanying emotions that are in the background of your actions and behaviour
‣ practice and improve in being an observer of your thoughts
 ‣ increase capacity for regulating the state of your nervous system. Your nervous system (inner child) needs calming and a sense of security first, and only then can you unleash your authenticity
‣ feel an emotion without reacting to it and hold space for staying in dialogue in the midst of emotional intensity

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Values that support my work

Staying open and explorative in the midst of the unknown

Embracing and learning from difference in views and opinions


Honouring the messy, unfiltered, wild and raw parts of existence

Enjoying the the wonderful gift of imagination and exploration of new possibilities without constraints